Welcome to UMS’s biweekly brainteasers!
We host biweekly brainteasers that cover a wide range of topics from number theory, combinatorics, algebra, logic and so much more. The goal of these brainteasers is to improve problem solving and to have some fun!
If you have any questions or suggestions for problems, email me at kimsamuel1@ufl.edu!
Archived Problems
8/26 – 9/8: Coprime Collections
9/9 – 9/22: Relative Resonance
9/23 – 10/6: Polynomial Playoff
10/7 – 10/20: Swift Side Steps
10/21 – 11/4: Logic Loop
11/5 – 12/1: Chow Chow Chasing
12/2 – 1/19: Sinusoidal Summations
1/20 – 2/2: Baseball Break